Family, Family, Family

I just got back from a great weekend with my mother, my two kiddos, and my dear grandparents!  What fun to have 4 generations of people in the same space at the same time.  Yes, very different life stages, yet, all needing the same things.  My dear grandmother has Alzheimer’s and my dear grandfather has blood Cancer.  My mother just had surgery and I’m in the stage of constant exhaustion from raising my two fabulous toddlers who are just going a mile a minute. This weekend was an opportunity for all of us to find rejuvenation in each other.

All of this was put into perspective when my 4 year old Stella looked my 83 year old grandfather straight in the eye and said, “Are you getting ready to go to Heaven Pops?”  Talk about a moment of clarity!  Spiritual or not, when a 4 year old talks about dying to an 83 year old, there is a moment when the world just stops!  She put things into perspective for me and reminded me that I was right where I needed to be in that moment.  By the way, my grandfather didn’t respond.  He just looked at her and smiled.

As I reflect on this weekend, I count my blessings and am reminded of how many of the children and families I work with who do not have those long roots reaching out across the generations.  These children and families need the opportunity to have new seeds planted that will grow into deep roots.  An opportunity to create “family” is priceless.  Keep in mind, you may just be the seed needed to help create these roots!

Be in the moment, enjoying right where you are, never thinking about the future and letting go of the past!

Published in: on October 31, 2011 at 3:34 pm  Leave a Comment  

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